March 11, 2025
Grow Your FFL Business

12 Important Suppressor Sites to Share With Your Customers

Whether the search is for how-to, where-to, data, buying info, or regulations, these are the most important suppressor-related sites on the Internet.

  1. : For detailed information on the physics and mechanics of suppressors, and the legalities of owning one, visit NRA American Rifleman.
  2. : Visit this page to learn history, the role of suppressors in the 21st century, suppressor legality and ownership, benefits of suppressors, and more tips on purchasing.
  3. : For the 2015 Firearms Commerce in the United States Annual Statistical Update click here. For information on the NFA (National Firearms Act)/rules and regulations click hereAlso helpful is the Firearms Q&As section of the ATF website. FFLs can click here for their Q&As page, and can send their customers here for another Q&A page.
  4. : A convenient and one stop shop for those looking to purchase suppressors and already suppressed firearms as well.
  5. : The NRA is a given when it comes to being an accurate source for the most up to date suppressor related news and information.
  6. : An easy way for customers to become more familiar with the use of suppressors is through the NSSF’s fast fact sheet, which covers the benefits, safety, training, and many uses of suppressors. You can click here for information on cashing in on suppressors, staying compliant as you enter the suppressor market, and learning to capitalize on the growing suppressor market.
  7. : Here your customers can learn about the history behind silencers, details regarding owning a silencer, how to purchase them, and the benefits of owning one.
  8. : This independent news site provides news items related to silencers and other firearms regulated in the United States by the National Firearms Act.
  9. : For customers who are new to registering silencers and may be a bit intimidated, this page will help clarify exactly how the process works. Also, if your customers are in need of help deciding on a model you can send them here.
  10. : Unmatched in their performance, reliability, and durability, every center-fire suppressor sold is test fired on their state of the art 100yd range to ensure customers receive the highest quality product possible.
  11. : This website uncovers a myth many believe about suppressors: gun silencers make guns nearly silent. Covering topics including how much sound suppressors actually suppress, reasons why someone would use a suppressor, how suppressors work, and bonus facts, this article proves useful for those who want to learn more on the topic in an easy to understand language.
  12. : Wikipedia provides information on the National Firearms Act covering background, categories of firearms regulated, registration, purchases, taxes and transfers; criminal conduct and penalties; exceptions, the market for NFA items, NFA trust and more.