March 12, 2025
Grow Your FFL Business

Read These For Bigger, Better Promo Ideas and More Profits

One of the big advantages of attending SHOT University is sitting in on sessions presented by Tom Shay the owner of Profits Plus, LLC. He’s a lifelong small business owner and manager, and consults with retailers of all sizes on boosting profits. He’s written 11 books plus a series of books on retail management specifically for the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

Ballpoint pens barely flow ink fast enough to keep up taking notes when the flood of promotional and profit-boosting ideas begins flowing in Shay’s presentations. At the last SHOT University in January, 2016 he shared a list of current “must-reads” for all independent retailers especially in the firearms and hunting world.

For more inspiration, visit Shay’s website at: There’s more recommended reading and dozens of small business calculators meant to analyze and help grow profits for retailers … and they are all free.

Check out:

Best Practices Are StupidBest Practices Are Stupid by Stephen M Shapiro

This #1 International Best Seller and Best Innovation and Creativity Book of 2011 shares 40 counterintuitive yet proven strategies for boosting innovation and making it a repeatable, sustainable, and profitable process. Highlighting the importance of innovation, Shapiro explains how to build high performing teams, improve financial outcomes, and stay competitive with peer organizations.

Buy it here.

Also available for Kindle.


Crazy-Is-a-ComplimentCrazy Is a Compliment by Linda Rottenberg

Linda Rottenberg has spent her career helping innovators think big and act like changemakers in order to claim their paths to success. Rottenberg is an expert on the topic, as she is the cofounder and CEO of Endeavor, the world’s leading organization devoted to identifying, mentoring, and investing in fast growing businesses. After helping thousands of entrepreneurs take the risk out of risk-taking, Rottenberg shares how we can all take manageable steps to achieve our dreams.

Buy it here.

Also available for Kindle.


Reinventing_the_WheelReinventing the Wheel by Chris Zane

In Reinventing the Wheel, Chris Zane, reveals his strategies for gaining return customers. Zane turned his own bike shop into a role model company and has been featured in the New York Times and received numerous awards for his company’s unique business practices and outstanding customer relations. He’s known to go against the flow, producing ideas many find too generous and counterintuitive, but the success of his businesses prove otherwise.

Buy it here.

Also available for Kindle.


Think-Big-Act-SmallThink Big; Act Small by Jason Jennings

After screening more than 100,000 American companies, Jason Jennings and his research team found nine that rarely grace magazine covers, yet have increased revenues and profits by 10 percent or more for 10 consecutive years. Then they interviewed the leaders, workers, and customers of these quiet companies to learn their secrets. What they all have in common is one culture based on a simple concept: Think big, but act small. Jennings shares stories and insights about why these companies are thriving.

Buy it here.

Also available for Kindle.