March 13, 2025
Marketplace Intelligence

Small Improvements Can Lead to Huge Gains in Profits

You’ve probably seen how domino tiles can knock other dominos down. But you may not have known that each domino can knock over another domino that is about 1.5x larger than itself. Check out the following video that proves it:

There are 13 dominos there. The first one is about 5 millimeters high. The last one in line weighs one hundred pounds and is about 4 feet tall. If there were 29 dominos like this lined up, the last one would be as tall as the Empire State Building. And it could be knocked over by one domino that was 5 millimeters high.

Amazing how small things can have huge impacts. The reason is because we’re multiplying, not adding. And multiplying can get big fast, just like each domino knocks over something that is not quite double in size. The same thing is true in your business. Changing a few things by a little bit can have huge impacts on your profits.

This month, we’re providing you a simple Excel tool to help you more effectively manage your business. While other business owners are scratching their heads trying to figure out how to make more money, you now have 5 different ways to help you be smarter and hit the profit bullseye.

And if you think a 10% improvement is doable and achieves impressive results, try adjusting the numbers to 20%, 30% or 50%. The results are staggering.

Click here to download the Excel tool and type in some simple numbers and see what happens. We would love to hear your thoughts and questions!

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